
I’ve been debating over this for a few days! And I’m hella’ scared posting this.

So #todayIWas Scared.

I feel we can overlook our achievements whilst surviving our Mental Health. I know it can be a struggle to get out of bed some mornings and if that is the case, and you manage it – I’m proud of your bravery!

Whilst I was walking to a meeting the other day, I took the opportunity to have a reflective walk and think about the times I, or someone I know, has struggled to complete the tasks most folk take for granted!

For me, my own personal thoughts, in recent months, surrounding having to face another day – interacting with anything living filled me with dread. I just wanted to lock myself away and sleep. But, i never celebrated the fact, I was able to motivate myself to get out of bed, get myself ready and get out of the house.

I strongly feel that these, personal achievements should be celebrated, no matter how small you feel that they are! They are relevant, they are important.

On that note, I wish to encourage you, at the end of the day, take some time to practice some self-care and just think “#TodayIWas”

This can be followed by anything – even if you are feeling low today, record it, use it as a point of reflection- and see how far you’ve come! (It is okay to have bad days!)

This needn’t be exclusive – if you’re supporting someone who’s struggling with their Mental Health then just think “#TodayIWas” a listener, a comforter. You can make a difference.

This was a bit of an impromptu post, so much so, I’ve posted on the mobile app, apologies if the format is all over the show!

It’d be lovely to see the use of #TodayIWas across social media platforms in order to celebrate everyone’s achievements 😊

Until next time;


    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts – I hope the post hasn’t been β€˜lost’ but this was in regards to celebrating achievements 😊 but thank you for your comments and wishes X


  1. This is a great post Abby! I think it’s so important to check in with ourselves on a daily basis and see how we’re feeling…and realize that it’s ok not to feel happy 100% of the time. It’s also important to reflect on if we’re being supportive of others. Thanks!


    1. Thank you so much! I’m feeling a little down beat by it all to be fair! I was so excited about this idea and it feels like it’s got β€˜lost’

      Thank you for your comment 😊


  2. What a fantastic post this is! I love the idea of reflection daily and am going to give this a go writing in my planner. I feel it will be really beneficial for my mental health to reflect and see it written down in black and white . Thank you πŸ˜ƒ


    1. Thank you so much! 😊
      Please feel free to share the hashtag – I’d love to be able for this to be used as a reflection tool for those who are struggling or supporting someone with mental health! Have a lovely evening 😘

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you sweet! I really hope it takes off to be fair, I’d love to be able to support people – even if it’s by giving them something to aid self-care or reflective moments! 😘


  3. That’s a great idea for a hashtag πŸ’–. You are right, sometimes we need to celebrate the small achievements like getting out of bed everyday. Depression can make the simpliest of things seem like a massive struggle. It’s good to reflect and check in to see how we are feeling. Fantastic post and thank you for helping others who struggle with depression feel less alone in this πŸ’– xx

    Bexa | http://www.hellobexa.com


    1. Thank you! It’s really good to use as a reflection tool πŸ™‚ and no problem – I know how lonely it can be! I’d just like for people to be able to think they’ve achieved something no matter how small or big πŸ’•


  4. This is completely true. Sometimes we take little things for granted, when even those little things have a causal effect.
    Unfortunately I have gone through depression, though it never fully went away, I had to appreciate that with life, there’s hope and meaning to which I could give it.


    1. I think this is the conclusion I came to the beginning of this week! On a personal level, I was ALWAYS dragging myself down about things! But never stood back and thought β€œI’d managed to walk to the shop on my own” which I do sometimes struggle with. Instead I’d be thinking β€œI’m such a baby that this scares me” granted positive thinking won’t be the answer to it! But celebrating those achievements gives (me) a sense of purpose 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  5. A great idea, such a lovely way to remind ourselves, and others, that achievement is relative and, no matter what you personally class as an achievement, they all deserve celebration ❀️


  6. girl yes!! Personal achievements are something that absolutely should be celebrated always…ALL WAYS! That’s what keeps us working towards goals and building amazing memories in our lives!!


    1. Exactly!
      Know i keep going on a personal level, but I can only speak from experience!

      I’ve spoilt so many things for myself because it was literally NEGATIVE NEGATIVE NEGATIVE. I’ve been using this to reflect over the past few days and it’s made me actually feel free. Even when it’s been #todayiwas sad – I could think right; why am I sad, what can I do to change that?


  7. Sorry for that bad day! It’s a great a idea to reflect the day and I think I will start this evening as my day was full of anxiety. Hope to feel a little bit better after my ”thoughts”


  8. 100% with you on celebrating personal achievements – this is a great post!
    I have anxiety and depression and, like you mentioned, I used to forget to celebrate the things that I DID manage to do.
    Now, at the end of every day I take a minute to think back and give myself a mental high five for the positive moments no matter how big or small; getting out of bed, meeting a friend, asking for something in a shop, etc.
    And, btw the formatting is perfect πŸ™‚
    Looking forward to catching up on your previous posts!

    Stephanie || stepphhsays.com


    1. Thank you so much Steph!
      I have anxiety and depression too! So I have a level of understanding what you’re going through! Reflection has been key in my recovery process!

      I wrote the post super fast on the app! So couldn’t really see the actual format so thank you for the positive feedback 😊

      I post once weekly on a Sunday (sometimes throw in an unplanned post) but Hello and welcome 😊

      Abby x


    1. It’s great ain’t it (if I don’t say so myself)

      But of course it’s okay to have bad days, weeks and so on! You’re strong enough to overcome the bad, go at your own pace! 😊 X


    1. One of the reasons I like to blog about my mental health, I get some people may view it as β€˜please join my pity party’ but it’s really not for that. I want to share in aim to help others 😊


  9. I woke up this morning and thought exactly the same thing. Every morning despite struggling I get myself out of bed and I do what needs to be done. That’s bad ass πŸ–€


  10. I love this idea. We definitely overlook those small achievements which often mean SO much to us when suffering from mental health conditions – even if no one else notices or cares. Going into a shop is a huge achievement for me and I always feel proud of myself for it. I think I’ll be thinking a lot about that today! xxx


    1. Well done for being able to, and never stop feeling proud about it!
      I get this completely- I struggle a lot with getting outside the house or on public transport unsupported. I rely so much on family members to take me to work and shopping which I always feel guilty over, and made to feel guilty over by those who just don’t understand! So anytime I make it on my own I’m so proud 😊😊

      Liked by 1 person

  11. This is a great idea! Sometimes it’s easy to focus on the negatives and not look at how strong we really are as people. I’ve recently started to think similarly to this, just in little ways and it’s really helpful, and now you’ve put a name / hashtag to it!

    Vicky x


  12. great post – everyone has their up and down moments in life and it’s just as good to address the positive as well as the negative so that we can learn to recognise the trigger points for each emotion. Mental illness has always been such a taboo topic but in today’s age it’s definitely becoming more understood and so more people are opening up. You’re sending a great message – keep it up xx


  13. Really good post and you’re so brave to be open about this-I can’t do it myself. Wise words – celebrating little achievements is important even if they seem so small. And self-care or “me time” is also sonething we should all do I need to remember to take tine just to relax as I’m always worrying I have so much to do. All the best


    1. Thank you dearest!
      And you’ll get there in time – I’m still getting there too! It’s so easy to start neglecting ourselves by worrying, it’s okay to slow down, go at your own pace 😊


  14. This is such a great idea! I was doing a ‘What makes me happy’ everyday but kept forgetting to post it or couldn’t think of anything that day so this is great as it allows you to reflect on how your day truly was and then you can try to improve the next day!

    Jess xx


    1. Thank you 😊
      It did start at as a β€˜today I was brave’ but i thought that might put too much pressure on someone feeling they need to be brave or they’re failing because they don’t feel brave! And I didn’t want that – this way it’s okay to feel any feeling, and use it to progress as and when you’re ready 😁 Xx

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Thank you for saying this and putting yourself out there. Mental health can be so up and down, I know those days when you don’t want to move and hardly breath with the weight of depression and anxiety. Getting up and even just trying to do something is nothing less than a massive achievement. It’s hard, but truly the more we talk about this the better it gets.

    Sending love ❀



  16. This is such a great idea. It’s so good to remember that even on bad days there can be something positive to report OR if we can’t find that, it’s okay to own that it was a bad day! Take care 😊


  17. I love reflecting like that! I tend to say a prayer before work that I hope God helps me be a better coworker, and be patient with people (this can be hard cause I’m not keen on my day job) and this type of reflection back on the day can really highlight strong points and areas to work on! Great idea!


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